Above is a photograph of a hotcomb my weapon of mass destruction.
Me with my hair hot combedSometimes I would take my hair out of extensions and press it with a hot comb. Now that was another psychological battle in its own right. Man, that heat was so hot but I would do anything to get that anything but African look. And at this point, I knew my mother's mantra, "I had to do my own hair and pay my own way for any upgrades". So that's what I did. But sometimes the hot comb was to hot, I would mess up or slip and burn my ears and neck. Sometimes I would even burn my face or a chunk of my hair right from my scalp.
I remember the smell of that heated grease mixed with the hot comb and my hair. It is a distinct fragrance that doesn't smell right. It smells like something is burning - it is alarming. But after awhile you don't even think the smell is normal. Even though I got used to the smell, after to many incidents of attending school with burn marks and missing hair spots, I simply save up enough money and put the braids back in my hair.
My hair would get split ends because I was using the hot comb frequently.
Not to be contradictory but hair extensions Is really what saved my hair from falling out completely. It gave my hair a break from all the stress and heat I was putting on it. Plus for me, the braids also kept me looking attractive while giving my skin an opportunity to heal from all of those burns. And since I was into boys, I was always eager to test the waters with some new style. I wanted to see what the male species preferred and how they'd respond to a new me.
Another year of burning my hairIn this photograph above, I had just came from a trip from great adventures and my hair was sweated out. I put this one up to show you that even though my hair appeared to be fine - that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted bone straight hair and to me there was a difference. Also, I was about 14 years old.
Here is the grease I used to use when I would hotcomb my hair-blue magic, yeah right.
Keep in mind, although I had a lot of variation in my hair arsenal, I couldn't wait for my mother to let me get a perm. So when I hit sixteen, It was a done deal. I was on my way to the salon. I felt I finally made it to the big leagues. You should have seen me, I was going to the salon with my mom and loving every minute of it. Yep, I had finally graduated. I was getting a perm and I was officially permitted to sit in that special chair and let my stylist put lethal chemicals in my hair. I had arrived.
I was finally able to sit under the dryer for 5 hours with other women and girls and waste a whole day in the salon, all in the name of beauty. Yes, I was apart of something. And I was observant and I took plenty of notes. I would watch everyone, but mostly the women, their style, their height , their weight and mostly, their hair. I would notice how the women with long strait hair got compliments while the women with shorter hair got second hand treatment and very little compliments. I would watch the women with long flowing hair walk around the salon like they owned the place. They seemed to always talk louder and walk harder than everyone else -they had attitude, they were strong, they commanded attention. And for the most part, they got it, especially from me. By the time I left that salon that day, I had a perm and I had it in my mind that my next step was to have the longest flowing hair in the world. I don't think I necessarily wanted to talk loud and step hard, what i wanted was compliments, I wanted what appeared to be love, respect, and support from women that looked like me - I wanted to feel special.
That was my hair-dresser in the middle in the purple and that was one of here clients in the white. I always thought my hairdresser was so pretty, she had hair down her back and yes It was long and flowing. The only thing, she did not talk loudly or anything like that. She was and will always be a class act. I remember she was the only adult women I observed with the long flowing hair that spoke softly. I also remember she was kind to everyone - even her employees. She had her own hair salon and made clothes on the top level. My mother even bought me one of her creations. Which you'll see later. Well of course I looked up to her, can't you tell.
Okay, I added this photograph not only to show that I was really impressed by Mrs. Sophia and wanted to kind of be in her likeness but I also wanted to get into this hair. Here, I had the traditional perm with a "doobee: with only the front let out. But here I added gold spray from canned bottles in order to to give the impression of gold or blonde hair. Heck, I new I could not die my hair on top of a perm, so I got creative. In this photo my gold did not show all that well - I was trying to get that 2 toned effect but my girlfriend Sherena's came out very well. Now, that spray was crazy because, I remember when I first spayed it, I almost choked from the fumes and toxins. You know how when you put polyurethane on to your wood floors to add a shine, that's the smell it was reminiscent of. Very strong. Please, at the time, I was oblivious to how crazy this was, I just held my nose and kept going until I saw the look I was trying to achieve.
Here is the gold spray can I used on top of my relaxer, rinse, and gel. All of these chemicals was slowly breaking down my hair and I did not know at the time.
Here is the effect I could achieve if I would have sprayed more gold.